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Barbara Ostmann - A $355,000 Case History

Barbara Ostmann's TMJ disorder resulted in her having three major jaw surgeries, which radically changed her appearance. She was left with a new face, sinus problems, chronic numbness and some very bitter feelings.

Here is an outline of Barbara Ostmann's search for help:


  • Saw her dentist, who referred her to an orthodontist. He recommended wearing a football mouth guard.
  • Saw a second orthodontist, who recommended braces.
  • Saw a third orthodontist, who advised full braces followed by jaw-repositioning surgery.
  • Saw a dentist who is also a doctor. He recommended jaw surgery, but not the same kind the orthodontist was recommending.
  • Saw a radiologist who told her, "You've got a real problem, and it's not going to get better."
  • Had braces put on. Six months later, had first surgery, in which the surgeon cut the upper jaw in four places, removed some jawbone and cut the lower jaw and slid it forward. Jaws were wired shut for eight weeks.


  • Went back to work in January after a nine-week leave. Felt weak, nostrils draining blood and mucus, couldn't chew. Braces removed.
  • Saw a surgeon who had been the teacher of the man who performed her surgery. His conclusion: "You have been overtreated."
  • Saw the second orthodontist she had seen earlier. He told her things were not right.
  • Began to see a psychiatrist.
  • The oral surgeon who did the first surgery performed a second surgery - a coronoidectomy - to remove a tip of bone that was preventing her from opening her mouth. Started physical therapy and felt better. Stopped seeing medical people for a while.


  • Second orthodontist referred her to a dentist at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. He recommended putting braces back on teeth and undergoing more surgery.
  • Surgery in Dallas. Surgeon took bone from her hip and grafted it onto her upper jaw. Rebroke and reset her lower jaw. Replaced her TM joints with new joints made of Teflon. Surgery successful, but still has lower-lip numbness and sinus trouble. Also her jaw slopes down and she still wears a retainer on her teeth.


  • Received $355,000 out-of-court settlement from third orthodontist and oral surgeon.

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